Category Archives: Space Exploration

High Life

High Life Is Grim and Provocative Science Fiction. For more than 40 years, any filmmaker trying to make a science-fiction film with intellectual depth and without laser guns and bug-eyed-monsters has done so… Looks neat.  And “Silent Running” is fabulous, if you haven’t seen it.

Check Out The Beautiful Trailer For Chinese Sci-Fi Film ‘The Wandering Earth’

Check Out The Beautiful Trailer For Chinese Sci-Fi Film ‘The Wandering Earth’ When you think of large-scale science-fiction “blockbuster” type movies, the Unites State film market is the clear dominating creative force, followed by several other countries to much lesser degrees. British films come to mind (as do their long-running sci-fi TV counterparts like ‘Doctor Who’ and

Religion and Rocketry: How German Theology and Russian Mysticism Shape Our View of Outer Space

Religion and Rocketry: How German Theology and Russian Mysticism Shape Our View of Outer Space While researching the history of the space program for a previous article, I ran across the phrase “Godspeed.” Uttered spontaneously by Mercury astronaut Scott Carpenter in the early days of NASA, …

“We will start inhabiting outer space”

“We will start inhabiting outer space,” says NASA crew commander Angelo Vermeulen. “It might take 50 years or it might take 500 years, but it’s going to happen.” In this charming talk, the TED Senior Fellow describes some of his official work to make sure humans are prepared for life in deep space .…

The African nation of Zambia had spaceflight aspirations, and although fascinating, had limited success.

The African nation of Zambia had spaceflight aspirations, and although fascinating, had limited success. I found this interesting article while doing research about my country, Zambia. It looks like the U.S. and USSR were not the only countries interested in space travel. A elementary school science teacher set up a space program in Zambia and hoped to send his students to the Moon and Mars!