High Weirdness: the new psychedelic worldview in SF

High Weirdness (Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies) by Erik Davis explores the emergence of a new psychedelic spirituality in the works of PKD, Terence McKenna, and Robert Antin Wilson. I’m super psyched to read this!! Davis navigates readers through consciousness, the hierarchies of their perceived realities, synchronicity, and a plethora of other weird aspects of our human experience that is suggested by these major counterculture sf writers.  Magic mushrooms, flying saucers, the invisible trickster entities of the 70s, SF, what more could you want? (the attached photo has popular modernSF novels)

One thought on “High Weirdness: the new psychedelic worldview in SF

  1. Professor Arielle Saiber

    Awesome, Gretchen! This sounds amazing. And Erik Davis–if he is who I think he is–is a supersmart cultural critic. There is a lot to think about vis-a-vis psychedelic culture and alternate realities/visions of the future. If you’re interested, I could recommend some very psychedelic 60s/70s SF films.

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