Before I chose this book, I had no idea who Octavia Butler was, and when I walked into the Green Hand bookstore, I didn’t have an idea of which book I was going to choose. However, in the bookstore, both a random man and the owner recommended Parable of the Sower, the 1993 novel by Octavia Butler. Parable of the Sower is a post-apocalyptic novel set in California, that depicts the devastating effects of climate change. It follows the story of Lauren Olamina, a teenage girl, and how she deals with the terrible events that affect her and her family. It also explores religion in an interesting way. Parable of the Sower is a dystopian SF novel, that also deals with themes of climate change and social/wealth inequality. I loved this novel for many reasons. I loved Butler’s writing, the characters she develops, and how real the scenarios and characters felt. I also loved (and was scared by) how prescient this novel (and Parable of the Talents, the sequel) were. I would highly recommend this book, and the sequel, to anybody, not just SF fans.
(Nominated for the Nebula, and a NYT Notable book of the Year)
Butler, Octavia E. 2019. Parable of the Sower. London, England: Headline Book Publishing.
Written in 1993.
Sooo glad you chose this novel, Ezra! This is one of Butler’s most important works. It is devastating to read, I know. It makes you want to have an emergency “go” bag packed at all times. It makes you wish you knew someone like Lauren, as well as better understand people who are deep empathizers. We’ll be discussing Butler next week, and beyond…. She is having a major revival in these last years. So glad you read _Talents_, too!! BTW— Bowdoin will be bringing the director of a new play based on _Parable_ next year, and I believe the play will be performed on campus, as well!