Social Networks


Social meadia has become a new way of sharing information, experiences, research, etc, in quick and effective ways. From Facebook to Twitter social networks have been used not only to communicate between friends and family, but to spread awareness and discussion around many topics. The following links are to different sites across different social networking platforms that talk about autism, bot personal experiences and research.




  • Twitter


*Autism Society provides links to websites where people can buy merchandise not only promoting the awareness of autism, but websites where the proceeds go to autism research. A link to their website provides information about the Autism spectrum, research, how to get involved, as well as opportunities to buy merchandise relating to autism awareness.



*Autism Classrooom is  a Twitter account created by Autism The purpose of the twitter is to provide useful resources, articles, links, and hashtags for educators who are teaching students who fall on the Autism Spectrum.



*This Twitter is created by the National Autistic Society who focus on the rights and interest of people with autism. There website shows spoken words performances, songs, concerts, and talks from researchers as well as people who have autism.




  • Facebook

*The Facebook page is about the Jarman family (also known as my cousin). The Group was created by my older Cousin in order to document their experience raising a child with Autism, as well as to provide useful links, websites, organizations, and videos around Autism awareness.

*Autism Daddy was created by a father to share with other his family’s experience dealing with a child with severe autism. His page talks about his family’s day to day experience with autism from toilet training, school, holidays, arts and crafts, the good, the bad and everything in between.

*Autism Sparks is a group dedicated to helping parents “spark” or connect with their kids. Their website is geared towards parents, and educators to some extent, focusing on the ways in which parents can connect with their kids as well as  ways to get their kids to better connect with them.

*Autism Support network is a peer-to-peer global network of people providing support to those with autism. The purpose is to bring ideas from all around the world together so that educators and parents can be given a wide range of options and information to better connect with their children.




  • Tumblr


*The Autistic Self advocacy network is a group dedicated to provide information and support to people with autism, and is run by individuals, both adults and kids, who fall on the autism spectrum. The purpose is to provide a platform in which adults and youth can have their voices heard and be able to represents themselves.
