
The focumonster-going-to-schools of my research was targeted at the ways in which school’s teach students with autism, how schools understand autism and the ways in which students and parents interact with the schools. The following videos highlight many of these challenges and in many ways attempt to shine some light on how some teachers try and teach students who are autistic.


Video 1(*) This video shows a teacher perspective on autism and why certain teachers chose to teach children with learning disabilities. It provides glimpses into a classroom, but also provides advice fro teachers who are new to teaching kids with autism.


Video 2 (*) This video provides a perspective of a parent and her opinion on special education in her daughters school. It shows the frustration her daughter faces when trying to learn new concepts , but also shows the ways her teacher, as well as her mother, works to address them.


Video 3

This last video is students, as well as their parents, talking about their experiences being autistic and trying to go to school.