Grassroots in Boston

The following is a list of anti-charter grassroots organizations that organized against the initiative to lift the MA cap on charter schools (Question 2) during the 2016 election.

QUEST Boston logo

Quality Education for Every Student (QUEST) is a grassroots parent organization that organized against the proposal to lift the cap on charter schools (Question 2) during the 2016 election in MA. They organize educational community gatherings that get parents involved in education by talking/learning about issues facing Boston Public Schools. QUEST is reported to have been involved in a large amount of door-to-door canvassing and phone-banking in opposition to Question 2.

Boston Education Justice Alliance Logo

Boston Education Justice Alliance (BEJA) is another Boston grassroots organization that helped organize parents and teachers to demonstrate and canvass during the 2016 election. They were very active on social media, advertising opportunities to organize against lifting the charter cap.

Citizens for Public Schools logoCitizens for Public Schools (CPS) is a grassroots coalition of over 70 education, civil-rights, labor, religious, and civic community organizations that are committed to protecting public schools. They take a strong stance against charter schools and contributed to the efforts to encourage a “No on 2” vote during the 2016 election. Their summary of research in opposition to charter schools can be found here

Teacher Activist Group Boston logoTeacher Activist Group (TAG) Boston is a grassroots coalition of teachers in the Boston area with a shared set of values who organize around policy issues and develop anti-oppressive teaching practices. They are associated with the National Network of Teacher Activist Groups. Part of their platform is the opposition of market-based reforms which led them to organize against Question 2 during the 2016 election in MA.

(For photo sources, please see the References page.)