Filling In The Blanks- Making it Real

People often use their imagination to fill in unknown gaps, especially when looking at photos. If the subject of a photo is unclear, viewers use their own imagination and perception to essential “fill in the blanks” of the photograph. The viewer may have to decide what is happening in the photo or what the subject actually is in order to understand the purpose and intention of the artist. For this assignment, I wanted to experiment with focus, composition, and zoom to compose a series of photos that are ambiguous and up for interpretation. I used a telephoto lens around my house and took pictures of everyday objects but attempted to blur the line between real and unreal, making them harder to recognize than typical photographs of such objects. I think some of the most interesting photographs tend to illustrate ambiguity and can cause an uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty in the viewer which leads them to look at the photograph longer. Overall, this series was an experimentation of abstracting common subjects to look unique and ambiguous to both represent what I see in my own imagination/dreams as well as highlight the importance of seeing the world in different ways.


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