6 Badass Female Time Travelers Who Get the Job Done

6 Badass Female Time Travelers Who Get the Job Done There is no single archetype of the female time traveler. She may be a young newlywed on her honeymoon, or a septuagenarian acting as a secret government weapon. She is black, or white, or from a f… https://www.tor.com/2019/02/20/female-time-travelers-methods-sci-fi-fantasy/?utm_source=%5B%27exacttarget%27%5D&utm_medium=%5B%27newsletter%27%5D&utm_term=%5B%27tordotcom-tordotcomnewsletter%27%5D&utm_content=%5B%27na-readblog-blogpost%27%5D&utm_campaign=%5B%27tor%27%5D