List of Grassroots Organizations

Waltham Family School:

Waltham Family School is an incredible program that helps students (both parents and their children) to learn or better learn English in order to help break 

the language barrier many of them face. The students are mostly “parents of pre-school aged children, parents with low literacy, low income, minorities, and immigrants.” This school provides opportunities that may not have been there otherwise in a truly caring and family-like environment.

Progressive Waltham:

This grassroots organization is a group of members ranging from teachers to students who are“organizers aspiring to build power in the community through issues and electoral-based organizing.” Some of their main goals include ensuring a just public education system and working for fairness for immigrant members of their community. They have an Education Justice Committee that works to make sure that EVERYONE in the Waltham community has a quality education. 


The priority of the Waltham Alliance for Teaching Community Organizing and Housing (WATCH CDC) is to help strengthen the voices of immigrant community members. One way in which they achieve this goal is by teaching English to the members of the community who want to learn it through classes, tutoring, and speaking groups. By helping these community members to learn English, WATCH CDC helps them to realize their voice so that they can see the potential they hold to contribute to their community.

Dual Language Education of New Mexico:

Dual Language Education of New Mexico focuses on doing what they can to make dual-language learning accessible. What was started by teachers of dual language has spread into an organization that helps communities to start these programs as well as increasing “the linguistic and sociocultural capital of their communities.” 


The Association of Two-Way and Dual Language Education (ATDLE) emphasizes the importance of dual-language programs while maintaining the native language of the students in these programs. Their overall goal after language acquisition is to keep the appreciation of the cultures associated with the languages as well as bringing them to the broader community.

Austin Language Justice Collective:

The Austin Language Justice Collective strives to get rid of language barriers in order to open up communication and allow people to more fully participate in their communities. They are a team of translators that wish to help with this mission and have a variety of experiences as many have lived in or are from other countries for some time as well.