What are your thoughts on the three epigraphs Stephen choose to frame The Humans from from Hill Freud and Lorca? The theme of fear seems to run through the three quotes as well as the idea of wearing a mask or being two sided. I found that these themes were also apparent throughout the play. Having read Think and Grow Rich (a gift from my grandparents who wanted me to better myself) I can speak to the Hill quote. If I remember correctly Hill stressed the importance of visualization and having the correct mindset to acquire wealth and success in life. If you allow yourself to let your fears dominate your mindset you won’t be successful. This connects to the duality of the other quotes in that according to Hill in order to live your life well you have to let go of these fears and focus on actually living your life. To answer Erin’s question on Erik being so paranoid and the only one who reacts to the thuds perhaps he is in the process of working through these fears. Perhaps there is also a connection to the other two quotes, what are you thoughts?
Finally, given the importance that Deirdre places on religion could the choice of having three citations have religious connections to the Trinity or is that too much of a stretch?
Great comment, Stevie. I would like to elaborate on the second portion of of your post: I think your thoughts on the three citations having religious connections to the Trinity is a bit of a stretch. However, I do appreciate your creative thinking! I think if each of the quotes was more connected to each other i.e. they reference the theme of fear in regard to one specific group or subject, I think you would then have a better case to argue. Also, I think it is important to analyze other symbolic meanings of the number three aside from the Holy Trinity. For example, could Karam be utilizing these three sources in order to draw on other religious aspects? How so? I suggest you look at the following source about the meaning of the number 3 in the Holy Bible:
Thanks! Hope this offers some food for thought!
My apologies. The correct and more applicable link is:
Thanks for the comment John. The link you posted was quite insightful especially in regards to sex sins. I think the New Testament it cites is especially pertinent in regards to Aimee’s lesbian relationship with Carol as well as the joke on page 56 about the women cheating on her husband and contracting HIV.
Wow I just read your second link, lots of interesting biblical connections with the number three.