“Alike in all parts touch”

In Donne’s “Sappho to Philaenis,” I was, similarly to Jae-Yeon, interested in the idea of the naturalism of people who look alike being sexually attracted to each other: “And, O, no more; the likeness being such, Why should they not alike in all parts touch?” (48-49). It has made me think of the common cliche that “opposites attract,” and how this phrase seems to naturalize heterosexuality It is interesting to me how science becomes invoked in both formulations. For example, lesbianism here seems natural because of an idea that ‘like attracts like’ in nature. At the same time, heterosexuality often is made normative because the idea of opposing forces in nature being drawn together, like magnets. I think this shows how the idea of ‘naturalism’ is just as constructed as conceptions of sexuality.

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