The Significance of the Frontier

When reading Turner’s excerpts, I was reminded of the fact that people experienced the frontier differently depending on where they were and when they arrived. We touched upon this topic in class, but I think it is something that requires more attention. In my mind, I think of the frontier as one thing: a place in the middle of the country with lots of prairies and Indian tribes. However, it is important we don’t have this singular image of the frontier stuck in our minds because it takes away the significance of the individualism that exists for each region. Turner talks about how, “it is evident that the farming frontier of the Mississippi Valley presents different conditions from the mining frontier of the Rocky Mountains” (4). We have to also remember that there were many different types of Indian tribes that inhabited these regions. Each encounter could pose a new challenge depending on who was already there. When the pioneers packed up their things to move out West, each person had a very different experience and I think that this is something that we should not discount.

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