Format and Outline

We spent a great deal of time planning this project.  Therefore, our product is largely what we intended. From the beginning, we both felt strongly that we wanted to make a film for our final project.  As millennials, we consume most of our information from videos that appear on social media feeds. C. Wright Mills writes, “I do not believe that social sciences will ‘save the world’ although I see nothing wrong at all with ‘trying to save the world’” (Mills 193). Mills writes of a sociology with the potential for creating change, however this purpose and use for sociology is in peril because the discipline is trapped in intellectualism.  It is important to make sociology accessible, so change can be made. We want millennials to enjoy learning about millennial fashion as resistance. For this reason, we did not want our research presented in a dense research paper, we wanted to make a visually appealing documentary. This will truly be sociology of millennials, for millennials.