Project Summary

  • Project Summary: In no more than 200 words, provide a brief description of your project, including the puzzle you intend to address, the key questions your project attempts to answer, and a brief discussion of how you intend on answering those questions.

The millennial generation stands out as the most racially diverse generation in American history. Moreover, much of the literature on this age group praises these individuals as being part of the most tolerant and progressive generation. However, I think digging deeper into the complexities of this generation will unearth a more convoluted vision of the experiences and attitudes of the millennial generation. I aim on specifically exploring the complexities of the white millennial experience. I hope to uncover the motivations driving how white millennials conceptualize race and their place in American society in the face of growing racial and ethnic diversity in this country. I intend on using voting behavior statistics from this past presidential election and recent polls and surveys on attitudes of white millennials to probe how white millennials understand race relations and whiteness in America. I plan on combining said quantitative data with qualitative research that further scrutinizes why and how white millennials perceive race and increasing diversity. In summation, I hope to add greater nuance to our understanding of how millennials, more precisely white millennials, feel about race and diversity in America.