Format and Outline

  • Product
    • Describe the form you hope your project will assume (i.e. paper, film, podcast) and a justification for why your selection provides the best approach to present your findings.
  • Changes
    • Provide a description of any changes in the product of your project, with a brief explanation for your decision.

This project is taking the form of a paper. I think a research paper can best reflect all the respective surveys and qualitative research that I am unpacking in this project. Writing a paper allows me to properly flesh out how millennials conceptualize race and race relations in America, while also allowing me to examine both attitudinal difference along racial lines and the reasons underpinning such racial divisions. I think a podcast or film would be more powerful and accessible if I was conducting my own research. However, the fact that I am relying on published surveys and qualitative research makes the production of a film or podcast unfeasible.