Data and Method

    • Data and Methods:


      Description of Methods: collecting data for this social experiment will consist of two different types of methods in the form of an online survey and follow up, in-person interviews. The two different types are outlined below:


      1. Online Survey – the online survey will be aimed at getting a larger pool of data and will be personally distributed to certain members of the community. The questions will try and get respondents to talk about their clothing/style preferences.
      2. In-Person Interviews – these interviews will be a follow up with respondents from the initial survey about their deeper motivations on fashion. The purpose of having interviews is to get a better idea of what people’s primary mindsets are when getting dressed in the morning to move around campus.


      Description of Data: the data will be compiled using multiple option questions that will target people’s clothing choices and style. There will be 4-5 general answers with the last one being an “Other, Please Specify”. Other questions may be more quantitative and simply asking about time taken or time spent. For examples of each:


      1. Please select your primary motivation when getting dressed before class in the morning; if other, please specify:
        1. To be comfortable
        2. To impress my classmates and other students
        3. To be professional
        4. To be presentable
        5. Other: ________________________


      1. About how much time do you spend in the morning, before attending class,   on physical appearance such as deciding what to wear, personal hygiene, getting dressed, and other morning routines?
        1. < 10 minutes
        2. 10-30 minutes
        3. 30-45 minutes
        4. 45-60 minutes
        5. over an hour



      Plan of Collecting Data : after finding the proper setup and software to conduct my online survey, I will then find a willing cohort of students to complete the survey. After going through consent and confidentiality with the possible respondents, they will complete the survey. From those comments, I will then identify certain members of the pool to talk with further about their answers and general thoughts. As previously discussed, I will be using the surveys for quantitative data in addition to identifying people for deeper investigation. The interviews are meant to illuminate the deeper rationales and purposes behind their choices on the surveys and broader motivations. In a more technical sense, I will choose a specific website or service to create the actual survey. The questions will be written prior to maximize clarity and efficiency. In terms of the interviews, my plan is to simply use my iPhone and record them on “Voice Memos.”


      Date, Change, Reason

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