Uranium-thorium dating claims cave art of three Iberian sites is older than 64.8ka (20ka before modern humans). Raises ❓s on the authorship of the paintings.
U-Th dates max. age from layer under the pigment and min. age from carbonate on top. The sites include red ✋ stencils, shapes & animals.
The art is coeval with Neandertals in Iberia, and predates the arrival of MHs. Evidence of #deliberateNeandertalsymbolism prior to interspecial coexistence.
The fact that many male groups that are meant to be against sexual violence and end up using messages that perpetuates hegemonic masculinity, this is really difficult! It’s absolutely important to start teaching people while they’re young, but that requires a revamped sex education that many groups are so afraid of and against. But I think that would be one place to start.