
How did #Neolithic farming spread to ??, by diffusion or by migration? Consider impact of environmental changes in SE near Mediterranean

The Black sea flooded around 8300 yrs ago (according to ? dating from old shorelines), likely due to SLR from Laurentide ice sheet melting

Early farmers relied on shores/floodplains for reliable ?. Flood here would force migration out into ?? and spread farming with migrants

0 thoughts on “Turney/Brown

  1. athammav

    I don’t have any readings to back up what I’m going to say, but my transman best-friend said that he feels that transwomen experience more difficulties because they have to “do more” to “be legible as a women”. And since we tend to dehumanize and make fun of men for “acting like a girl” or exhibiting stereotypically feminine qualities, you embody the direct opposite of hegemonic masculinity.

  2. dfurukaw

    I definitely agree that the word privilege is limited in that is often simplifies and equates very different struggles. But when it comes to trans people, it’s abundantly clear in terms of the volume of hate crimes, that it’s more dangerous to be a trans woman in this world than any other gender identity. As Natalie Adams points out, it’s much easier for our society to accept (and read as culturally intelligible) “female to male” subversions of gender– the tomboy, for example– than “male to female” expressions.

  3. icgray

    I agree with a lot of what the above comments are saying. It’s interesting to see how much more difficult it is to see a man expressing feminine qualities than a female expressing male qualities (for example, “tomboys” are not usually a problem but young boys who express interest in feminine activities, clothing, and toys are often ridiculed). Because men are taught to hate femininity and women are taught to respect masculine power, this phenomenon makes some sense.

  4. hdunnepo

    I think evaluating these things become difficult because though these categories (?? v.s,??) exist–allowing us to make widespread group assessments of the general experience–each case/experience is deserving of individual evaluation and consideration. ?? ? may face a certain degree of prejudice and discrimination more consistently than ?? . However, in a individual case a ?? may have face extreme forms that are more intense than any given ?? ….maybe resulting in death. And If you are that person, or that persons family/loved ones, that the biggest issue in the world. The number just come to hide it. Further, these issues are connected. Maybe the discourse shouldn’t be divisive?