Category Archives: Assignment 2

Brown and Turney Article -Andrew Brenner

Laurentide Ice sheet collapsed sending ❄️? throughout the ? between 8350 and 8230 cal yr BP. ? rose enough to flood Black Sea ~1.4m

? rise ?? loss for ~4022 ? near Mediterranean Sea + ~145,000 near Black Sea,?‍♂️at a rate of ~4300 ? per year from altered coastline

Migration ? leading to ?‍?? in Europe 8.2-7.7 cal yr BP. Second ?‍?? seen ~5.7 cal yr BP, delay due to ??‍♀️ difficulties

AllieRutz Turney and Brown Article

◼️? flooding ➕ ⬇️ farming ➕ pop. pressure = ??‍???‍???‍???‍?↗️?? #dontbesalty #theflooriswet #thiscornissoggy

Farmers push into Europe, disrupt hunter/gatherers, challenge social order + 4ever change the culture #nicetomeetyou #wereyournewneighbors

Possibly 145,000 Neolithic ? displaced when Bosporus Sill breaches #byebyeOGblacksea #radiocarbondatingrocks #massmigrationmess

Hoffmann et al. – Cave Art

New #U-Th #DatingTechniques better dates #CaveArt AND revealed ?? in ?? cave sites La Paniega & Maltravieso & Doña Trinidad are > 64.8 KYr !

#CaveArt in #IberianPeninsula > 64.8 KYr
Emergence of #ModernHumansInEurope = 40-45 KYr
SO, ?? PREDATES arrival of modern ??

? ?  w/ ?⚫ pigment & ???? drawings = symbolic representation & abstract thought… Neanderthals more similar to us than we thought!


Second Assignment (Hoffmann article)

Uranium-thorium dating claims cave art of three Iberian sites is older than 64.8ka (20ka before modern humans). Raises ❓s on the authorship of the paintings.

U-Th dates max. age from layer under the pigment and min. age from carbonate on top. The sites include red ✋ stencils, shapes & animals.

The art is coeval with Neandertals in Iberia, and predates the arrival of MHs. Evidence of #deliberateNeandertalsymbolism prior to interspecial coexistence.

Brown & Turney tweets- Dachille

#ByeBye Laurentide ice sheet and hello #BigFlood of the Black Sea –> displaced thousands living in coastal & low-lying areas preferable for early farmers

⇪ ?levels by 1.4m & flooding in early Holocene SHOOK the landscape, pushed people in2 new & more populated areas- now competing for new farming land? #TheEndOfAnEra

No new Neolithic sites established during flooding but ? in the thousands of yrs that followed = MASS migration due 2 environmental change #FoodForThought?

Turney and Brown

When the ocean was ⬇ the ⬛ sea was a fresh water lake protected from the ocean by a ridge. The first Neolithic farmers in Europe settled along on its shores ~9.2 kyr ago

~8.5 kyr ago there was a #icesheetcollapse in N. America that led to a surge of water that ⬆ ?  sea levels by up to 1.4 m. The ocean then flooded the lake, creating the ⬛ sea

The #risingseas displaced the Neolithic farming populations and forced a mass migration that brought Neolithic farming to mainland Europe #SLR #noah’sflood

Hoffman et al. tweets

New tech reveals cave art found in Spain 65k years old. Humans arrive 45k years ago. You do the math. #NeanderthalsMakingArt #U-ThDating

Neanderthals painting animals, hand prints, shapes for 25k years. Expect more art finds to come. I guess art isn’t just for humans.

Neanderthals more human than we thought. What made us different? What happened to them?

Solomon – Turney and Brown


Fall of the Laurentide❄ sent a surge of freshwater into the ?, causing ⬆? sea levels & is correlated w the onset of the Neolithic in Europe

C14 dating of marine ?? in previously freshwater Black? help ? flood event to ~8300 BP. Displaced ??‍? migrate out of flood prone areas

?Neolithic ?‍?‍? pre-flooding in Europe. Establishment of ??‍?? came shortly after flood events, indicating ?⬆ + climate change = major ?



How did #Neolithic farming spread to ??, by diffusion or by migration? Consider impact of environmental changes in SE near Mediterranean

The Black sea flooded around 8300 yrs ago (according to ? dating from old shorelines), likely due to SLR from Laurentide ice sheet melting

Early farmers relied on shores/floodplains for reliable ?. Flood here would force migration out into ?? and spread farming with migrants

Hoffman et al

U-th dating of carbonate on top of Iberian cave art and the underlying wall allows researchers to obtain a maximum and minimum age constraint.


The oldest minimum samples for all caves predate the arrival of modern humans by 20 kya, when Neandertals exclusively populated Iberia.


Evidence of Neanderthal populations using premeditated creation and hand placement suggests the origins of symbolic behavior and human symbolism.