
When looking at Baker’s model for social change, some aspects of her work can be seen throughout the organizations AEA and AEU. Both organizations aimed to bring a large number of people together fighting for social change, in this case, for equal funding in the Arizona education system. Thus, the AEA took the initiative to bring the issue of education funding in Arizona onto a platform that would ultimately raise awareness. By doing so, the issue becomes more known and because most online users are younger individuals they start caring and seeing what the overall issue is because it affects them too, whether that be in Arizona or in any other state. The issue was brought onto social media, Facebook, which opened to a wider audience of all ages from students to teachers to parents. 

On the contrary, Baker believed that mobilizing would not bring durable change and it was only meant for short periods of time. Baker criticized mobilizing because it was meant to create fast change for a larger problem that needs more time and attention. Then by looking at the Red For Ed movement, this could possibly be something that can hinder the movement in the long run. After having demands met, this does not mean that the work put into fighting for funding equality is over and is something that needs to be looked at from time to time. However, because organizations like the AEA and AEU exist, they are still running and fighting the good fight.

Similar to Baker’s model, the Social Justice Unionism model was based on CORE educators, which have similar beliefs to Baker’s, however, their focus is primarily on education whereas Baker’s could be applied to mostly any social justice movement. This model of social justice can be applied through the organizations of the AEA and AEU because the work this union does and the work that these organizations do both have similar goals in achieving a better public education within all communities. In other words, the AEA AEU worked towards a common goal to receive better public education funding for the entire state of Arizona. Overall,  the Red for Ed movement was based on frameworks from Ella Baker, and the Social Justice Unionism on CORE educators were applied by the primary organizations that led this movement, the AEA and AEU.