Works Cited

Buras, K. L. (2009). ‘We have to tell our story’: neo‐griots, racial resistance, and schooling in the other south. Race Ethnicity and Education, 12(4), 427–453.

Buras, K. L. (2015). Frederick Douglass High School in New Orleans: School Closings, Race, and the Dangers of Policy without History. Souls – A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society, 17(3–4), 143–161.

Dixson, A. D., Buras, K. L., & Jeffers, E. K. (2015). The Color of Reform. Qualitative Inquiry, 21(3), 288–299.

Dreilinger, D. (2019, July 19). New Orleans public schools pre-Katrina and now, by the numbers. NOLA.Com.

JESSICA WILLIAMS, [email protected]. (2018, July 1). As of Sunday, all New Orleans public schools are once again under a single board. NOLA.Com.

Payne, C. (1989). Ella Baker and Models of Social Change. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 14(4), 885–899.