2 thoughts on “Olivia Portrait”

  1. First, staring at yourself for hours on end should be a crime. I found it really difficult to draw myself for what I “saw” and the discrete changes in value instead of drawing from memory. I have this idea of what I look like in my head but drawing what was actually in front of me was much more difficult. I know that the goal of this wasn’t to make it look exactly like yourself or the person you are drawing, and instead, it was to master the planes and values, but I secretly wish it looked more like myself. I am happy with how I portrayed different features in space and changes in value, but something about it is off. I have a feeling it is my eyes and the shape of my head. The head I drew is much longer and my face is rounder. I think I kept carving my face narrower and narrower when I drew my hair which I should have been more careful about. I also know my eyes are wrong. I really, really struggled drawing my eyes and probably redrew them five or six times. Overall, I’m fairly happy with how this came out and the progress I made throughout the semester.

  2. Although you mentioned how you think that you messed up the shape of your head with your hair. The hair itself was one of my favorite parts of this drawing. inclusion of not just groups of hair but individual strands that you could trace from the top of your head down was really nice and I liked that you used a similar technique in your eyebrows. I mentioned this in class but I like that your head is at an angle and doesn’t have a border. I think a border would’ve made me feel like you drew a head at an angle, but the lack of one makes me question my perspective and pulls me into the world of the picture, anchoring it for me. I think the shading was well done throughout especially in regards to your chin. I think the time you put into your eyes shows, in that they came out well. The only critique I have is the proportion of your forehead and I think your good work cancels out the crime of staring at yourself for hours.

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